Foundation's News
Flood victims in Petropavlovsk received over 43 million Tenge from the Bulat Utemuratov's Foundation
Within the framework of the Aid Card project, implemented by the Red Crescent of Kazakhstan, the Bulat Utemuratov's Foundation and Fortebank, 861 residents of the North Kazakhstan region will receive financial assistance for a total amount over 43 million Tenge. As a result of the intense snow melting, the suburban area of Petropavlovsk turned out to be in the flooded zone.
The Bulat Utemuratov's Foundation supported the Yel Tiregi - Yelbassy Campaign of the Halyk Charitable Foundation
4,000 food baskets formed by the Bulat Utemuratov's Foundation will be delivered to residents of the most densely populated cities of the country: Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent and Kyzylorda.
On the World Autism Awareness Day, the Bulat Utemuratov's Foundation reminds of the early diagnosis importance
Increasing knowledge about autism, its causes and symptoms can significantly improve the quality of life of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and his/her family. On the World Autism Awareness Day, Asyl Miras Center specialists conduct webinars and online meetings with parents and teachers and remind them of the importance of timely seeking aid.
The ninth Asyl Miras Autism Center in Kazakhstan was opened in Pavlodar
The best world practices and methods of working with children with autism spectrum disorders will be introduced in the Pavlodar Region. Today, there was the opening of the Asyl Miras Autism Center created by joint efforts of the Bulat Utemuratov's Foundation and the Akimat of the Pavlodar Region.
Жылдам шешімдер мен үлкен жетістіктер жылы: Болат Өтемұратов Қорының қорытындылары
2020 жылы жеке қайырымдылық ұйымы коронавируспен күресуге, мұқтаж жандарға үйлер салуға, Алматы қаласының ботаникалық бағын қайта құруды аяқтауға және басқа да әлеуметтік жобаларға 5,2 млрд. теңге бағыттады