The personalized scholarship of Batyrkhan Shukenov was established to support talented students on the wind instrument class. The grant is given with the support of the Bulat Utemuratov’s Foundation.
“Continuity is important for us. The most talented musicians, followers of Batyr in musical skills, can get the support of the Foundation. In cooperation with the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy we have launched two projects designed for a long life,” said Nargiz Shukenova, Director of the Foundation.
2018 holders of the fellowship:
Serik Argimberdy, flute
Serik is a second-year undergraduate student and believes in high calling for all classical musicians.
Artur Bemm, saxophone
After graduation from school, Artur planned to become a power engineer, but he realized that his true calling was music.
Anna Danilchenko, clarinet
Anna has been studying at the Conservatory on the clarinet class for the second year and she does not see any other route for herself.
Madi Madenietov, saxophone
Madi, also a second-course student, as far back as in his childhood loved the sound of the saxophone, listening to his father's play.
Elvira Roppert, saxophone
Elvira, a last-course undergraduate student, is a member of the Sax jam group, she has a lot of work and plans to enter the Master's degree programme.